Monday , March 17 2025
Get More Followers On SnapChat

How To Get More Followers On SnapChat

So you have become an expert at taking a selfie with the dog filter on have you? And you still don’t have very many followers. How do you get more followers? I know this can be a frustrating part about SnapChat. Here are five easy ways you can get more people to follow your little ghostly self on SnapChat with out spending anything.

  1. Add as many friends in your contacts as possible, and ask them in real life to add you back.
  2. Change your other social accounts profile picture to your SnapChat picture. Also make sure you include your SnapChat handle in your profile description.
  3. Don’t think of it as how can I get more “followers” Instead look at it as how can I get more friends? In order to get more friends you have to show yourself friendly. Follow other people on SnapChat that complement your personality. Engage in their snaps and ask them to follow you back.
  4. Find a live streaming site like YouNow, YouTube, or Periscope, and when people join your live stream try getting to know them, and if they seem like nice people ask them to join you. The link you can give them is When you are on your phone try to add yourself with the link. SnapChat has a funny little Easter Egg for people who try. Don’t worry it’s not a bad thing. 😛
  5. Lastly, you can ask the people that already follow you to ask their followers to follow you, and in return ask your followers to follow them.

Bonus: You can get business cards for under $20 from Vista Print with your SnapChat handle on it, then pass out the cards to classmates, people on the baseball team, or people from your church. Try to get people to follow you that share similar interest with you. I find it’s more enjoyable if you don’t focus just on how many followers can I get, but instead try to get to know these people. That’s what life is all about, building relationships. You may accidentally find a new best friend.

Mainly remember this, the biggest objective is that they built a playground to level the playing field. No one knows if you have 1 subscriber or 1 million subscribers on SnapChat, you are the only one that sees how many people see your story. Enjoy the show, honestly for me its fun to see what creativity other people come up with. So I will air my dirty laundry. I follow more people on SnapChat than people that follow back. At least as I write this, that is the case.

That being said if you want me to follow you, put your SnapChat handle in the comments below. I will try to follow you. If you want to follow me, my SnapChat is “ImCrazyNate” you can go to from your phone. I try to follow back everyone that follows me. Please keep snaps family friendly. 🙂

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