Wednesday , March 26 2025
Top 10 Board Games

Today’s 10 Most Popular Board Games

4. Guess Who?

If you are looking for a quieter night with just you and your BFF (Best Friend Forever), then Guess Who? Board Game is the game you should pick. This game is simple and fun with no complex assembly.

Each Player picks a random card, then take turns asking yes no questions, like “does your person wear glasses”. Then if they say NO the other player pushes down all the people on their board that wears glasses. Once you get narrowed down to one player standing then you can safely guess who their character is!

Mark Rober a YouTuber with over one million subscribers dissected Guess Who? Board Game and found a epic way to beat your opponent every time. The math on this is crazy, but if you just want to know how to beat your friends fast forward the video to the end.




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