Tuesday , February 25 2025

Candy Club Reviews

Try my candy Raptor Eggs!Hey Gents and Gentlets. I got a Candy Club Subscription Box in the mail, and I like things that make me smile, I also know you watch my videos because you like things that make you smile. So I figured you would like this. Candy Club sends me 3 boxes every month. This month they had a magically delicious deal where they sent me three extra jugs of candy FREE! So I decided to celebrate I should review all the flavors and tell you what I think:



Gimbal's Gourmet Sour Jelly Beans

“Their mouth-watering Sour Gourmet Jelly Beans are made with real fruit juice in 12 unique and irresistible sour flavors including: Blueberry, pomegranate, grapefruit, cherry, apple, mango, strawberry, lime, grape, lemon, tangerine, and watermelon.”

I liked these a lot. I like how they are small so you get more in a jar then some of the other candies. My favorite flavor I have to say is the watermelon flavor, and the only reason I couldn’t give this 5 stars is because I wanted to be more watermelon in the mix.


“Sour pressed candy in amazing flavors of apple, orange, watermelon, strawberry, and raspberry. Fun pastel colors with a mouth puckering tartness!”

These sours, are sour, but not face sucking sour. They are still really good candy though. Sometimes it’s good to have a not so sour sour candy. My favorite I’m going to say is the blue one. That probably taste the best. My least favorite is the orange, who likes that flavor? I’m going to give this one 3 out of 5.


“A ‘berry’ delicious cinnamon flavored juju candy. Great for snacking or jazzing up desserts. Fiery cinnamon flavor for your enjoyment.”

Now this is one of my all time favorite candies growing up, and this is one of the candies that I replaced what the test said I should like with. Because I didn’t want to go a month without having them. These are so good. I give these a 4 out of 5 because the little bears face was messed up. Looks like they tortured him before they put him in the jar. #BearLivesMatter

Gotze's Mini Cow Tales Candy ClubGOETZE’S MINI COW TALES

“The famous twig-shaped caramel creams take a mini-dip into bite-sized form. Featuring classic vanilla cream wrapped in chewy caramel, these morsels pack some moo-tiful flavor!”

These cow tales used to sit on the register where I worked, and I would buy like 5 a day, they are so good. I have to give these a 3 out of 5 though, and only because I know what the chocolate cow tales taste like! YESSSS! If I gave these a 5 out of 5, and then they came out with the chocolate flavored ones then I would have to give the chocolate ones a 7 out of 5, and that’s just not natural.

taste of nature cupcake bites candy clubTASTE OF NATURE CUPCAKE BITES

“A mini version of vanilla cakes, these rainbow dotted morsels are just about as cute as a candy can get! They’re also yummy, with a sweet birthday cake flavor and subtly chewy texture.”

Ok, when I saw these on the website, I knew we were meant to be for ever. Then I tasted them and YES! they are that good. I hope every box comes with this much happiness. It doesn’t help that my favorite cake icing is birthday cake flavor. I can’t get enough of these. I would be tempted to ask them to make all the jugs just this one. Needless to say, I give this one a 5 out of 5.

dorval sour power watermelon beltsDORVAL SOUR POWER WATERMELON BELTS

“Sour belts that taste of fresh watermelon. Just enough sour to make your lips pucker and the right amount of sweet to make you want more!”

I did more than pucker my lips. These belts literally made my eyes water. It was so fresh and chewy, it wasn’t hard like some of the candy belts I’ve bought from the candy store in the mall. (Yes I have a candy problem don’t judge me) Some of those other belts are kinda rubbery like a belt, but this was fresh, yummy, and made my taste buds scream for more. There’s no way I would give these sour power watermelon belts anything less than a 5 out of 5.

Did you know I make candy too? Make sure you visit my store, and you might find a candy themed after one of your favorite movies, and all my candy goes through crazy taste tests to ensure I only offer the yummiest kind.

Thanks for reading my review on Candy Club. Remember to share a smile, they are deliciously contagious.

-Crazy Nate


Shop Crazy Nate with fun candy like Raptor Eggs!


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